Home, James


Up Yonder




Winfrey Daye's Hideout--
stuck way back here!!  He's allergic to activity.
(Better go dig for night crawlers...there's music coming, bit by bit.)


The home of 
Elusive Monster Fish

There is so little to think about here at the fishin hole, you could just drift off and splash around in nothingness, just like the fish.  This is the kind of place where everybody can make a big splash and not even worry that no one else sees into the significance of it. Sure beats corectin spelin and gramer and stuff from a bunch of Ghost Writer Plagiarists...they don't even know what they're missin, ignorin the fishin hole...it would even inspire them to write something real for a change. This place always makes me feel like thinkin...I don't know so much about writin but I guess that's why a lot of people write anyway--just cause it helps them think.  I guess that's why I like the X family so much.  That's pretty much all they do is think.  Or maybe I should say they just know.  That's all they do is sit all day long and KNOW.  I bet if they was like us and you walked up to them on a street and asked them what they was doin, they'd say, "I'M KNOWING."  They don't even really have to think.  The Head Ed is kinda like that (some say he's related to them--a kinda crossbreed like we write about in The Cereal Squire).  They say he can't read.  I say he don't need to read!  He already knows it all--why read?  
Oh well.  Maybe another Daye I'll get back to the office...gotta catch what's behind (or underlying) that giant splash first! 
If you, on the other hand, want to see some real action...well go over and see the X-es trying to multiply as fast as a four-handed shopkeeper with an abacus!


A quieter way to go might be to head over to Wild Grains to do some contemplative reading...just follow that bum down there past the old Eszterházy Place...but please don't step on the grass!



(The splash part by Pat Magin, sky and all other oils by WB)