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Hello Gentle Visitors!

Before I go Too Far, look what those X-es have done now!  Try to get in touch with my friend Arden up there!  he runs away!  They make me go to Will because they know he's their friend!  Him and Winfrey...

You haven't met me yet, but my name is Lois, also known as Lo or Low or even
Lowe.  (My boyfriends
call me Love!)  Anyway, some people say that I'm nothing but a terrible
gossip but that is not true;
I just like to keep well-
informed and I like it if
all the rest of you are well-
informed, too!
Now you may get the impression that poor W.B. is
some kind of trouble-maker
here at Cereal publications.  Nothing can be further
from the truth. though the
trouble is coming from the Remembers of the Bored.
I happen to know that it's the
X-es that are causing it all.
I don't know Who they are or
even where they came from--
They just showed up one day and ever since we've been having no end of trouble and
I have been having the most
frightening dreams!  They never talk, they never do anything but they do exert the most bizarre influence on everyone here.  I say either the X-es go or I go and I hope they don't follow me!
Just take a look at the dreams I've been Having--
then you'll understand...
so that's the low down!